Adapting and Watering Tips for Optimal Growth
Once you receive your cactus and unwrap it, it is important you don’t damage inadvertently. It will likely be soft, and this is normal this time of year.
Let it adapt to your home by letting it sit out for a few days before planting it. Once it has had time to acclimatize and you are ready to plant it, is critical that it is only planted in dry soil and not watered.
Pale / Cool: If the cactus is going to be living inside your home under natural conditions, it is advisable begin misting the soil surface only one weeks after planting the cactus in dry soil. There is no need for water because the cactus is not yet actively growing, therefore, it is important to monitor the cactus for signs of new growth to know once it is safe to begin watering. Only once it begins growing again is it safe to water, this is when it will begin to firm up. This is usually sometime in spring under natural conditions. Often times, a cactus will remain dormant, even on windowsill waiting for spring to begin its growing cycle again. If your cactus is not growing during the winter inside your home, there is little to no need for watering. In this case misting the soil is the best alternative until spring when you can safely water again.
Bright / Warm: If your placing your cactus on a well-lit southwesterly windowsill, or under bright lights there is a good chance your cactus will wake from its dormancy and begin growing again. It’s important this transitional period remains gradual. Slowly introduce your dry cactus to this new environment, give it time to adjust before watering. *Note: Some cacti require more light than others to stimulate, and some lights may appear bright to our eyes but are not bright enough to wake cacti from dormancy. This is why it is best to observe for signs of growth as a reliable indicator of when it is ok to water.